Troy E. Bennett
Troy E. BennettBusiness Manager
The Business Manager shall perform the duties as specified in the United Association Constitution. He shall, by virtue of his office, be Chief Business Agent.

He shall be empowered to employ such office clerical, legal or other help as is absolutely necessary to assist all Officers in performing their duties to the Local Union.

In conjunction with the Financial Secretary-Treasurer he shall be empowered to purchase necessary office supplies and equipment, and to set wage rates, expenses and/or compensation for office clerical, legal or other help employed by the Local Union. All action and expenditures, hereunder, shall be submitted to the membership.

Todd Boland
Todd BolandFinancial Secretary-Treasurer
The Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties outlined in the United Association Constitution. He shall be empowered to collect loans, assessments, dues, initiation fees, reinstatement fees, fines, etc., in such manner as may be decided by the membership and/or Executive Board. When unable to collect any monies due the Local Union, within a reasonable or prescribed period of time, he shall advise the Executive Board and report same at the next regular meeting. He shall notify the Recording Secretary by copy of Cash Sheet, those sheets showing such information, of all additions and changes of classifications of the membership of Local Union No. 157. He shall make a written financial report quarterly to the membership, He shall be assigned competent office clerical help necessary to him to effectively carry out his duties to the Local Union.

He shall, when not engaged in Financial Secretary-Treasurer duties, perform such other work for the Local Union as the Business Manager may assign to him. He shall assist the Business Manager in performing his duties. He shall serve as Chairman of the Sick committee.

Jon Wooten
Jon WootenBusiness Agent
The Business Agent shall perform the duties as outlined in the United Association Constitution under the direction of the Business Manager. The Business Manager, Business Agent and Financial Secretary-Treasurer shall be given preference for full time employment with the Local Union.

The Business Agent shall, if authorized by the Business Manager, direct the Field Representative(s) in the performance of his duties.

Adam Bennett
Adam BennettField Representative
Serves as Field Representative for the northern part of the Indiana jurisdiction.
Tom Gofourth
Tom GofourthGas Distribution Organizer
Serves as Organizer for the Gas Distribution in Indiana/Kentucky jurisdiction.
Adam Bennett
Adam BennettPresident
The President shall preside over all meetings, enforce law and order, perform such duties as the laws and usage of the United Association Constitution requires, and shall appoint special committees. It shall also be his duty to see that his appointed committees perform their assigned obligations. He shall have the right to dismiss any committee or committee member failing to perform their assigned duties or when their duties to the Local Union are completed.
Steve Shaffer
Steve ShafferVice-President
The Vice-President shall have supervision of the members entering or departing the assembly room. He shall appoint the minority of all committees in the absence of the President, or when the President is otherwise engaged, he shall preside over the meetings and appoint another member to his station and perform such other duties as provided in the ritual of the United Association Constitution.
Matt Melin
Matt MelinRecording Secretary
The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of all transactions of the Local Union meetings, read all papers and documents and perform such other duties as the Local Union directs.
Liam Moeller
Liam MoellerInside Guard
The Inside Guard shall have charge of the door and shall be under the direct supervision of the Vice-President

Executive Board

Aaron Atterson
Aaron AttersonExecutive Board
Craig VanHookExecutive Board
Josh Pine
Josh PineExecutive Board
Charles RisleyExecutive Board

The Local Union shall elect an Executive Board of five (5) members, which shall include the Vice-President of the Local Union who by virtue of his office shall be a member thereof and Chairman of the Executive Board.  They shall meet at least once in every month, and the Local Executive Board shall be empowered to comply with the direction of the General Executive Board of the United Association Constitution.

The Local Executive Board shall, between the meetings of the Local Union, have full and complete charge of all business of the Local Union, may enforce and collect all dues and assessments, if so directed by the General Executive Board of the United Association, and transact such other business as may be necessary for the welfare of the Local Union.

Finance Committee

James R. Giffel
James R. GiffelFinance Committee
H. Jimmy Lawrence
H. Jimmy LawrenceFinance Committee
Mitchell Swaner
Mitchell SwanerFinance Committee

The Local Union shall elect a Finance Committee of three (3) whose duty it shall be to examine the accounts of the Financial Secretary-Treasurer of the Local Union at the end of each quarter.  They shall examine the bank books and bank accounts and count all money in possession of the Financial Secretary-Treasurer.  They shall, if they deem it necessary, require a bank statement from the cashier of the bank in which the Local Union monies are deposited, and they shall report their findings at a regular meeting the following month.

The Finance Committee shall have power to examine the accounts of the different Officers any time they deem it necessary to do so, and any officer or member refusing to deliver to such Finance Committee any books, papers, stamps or other matter necessary for such examination, or who shall in any manner harass the Finance Committee in the discharge of their duties, shall be assessed not less than $25.00.

Examining Board

Shawn Bignell
Shawn BignellExamining Board
Tom Gofourth
Tom GofourthExamining Board
Brad Robertson
Brad RobertsonExamining Board
John Sanquenetti
John SanquenettiExamining Board

The Examining Board shall consist of four (4) members of Local Union 157 elected by the membership:  One fitter, one plumber, one welder and one refrigeration/air-conditioning fitter.  Their duties shall be to examine candidates for entry into the Building Trades Division of Local No. 157.  A unanimous vote in the affirmative must be made by this Board before any person is admitted to membership.  In case this Board cannot agree on an individual or individuals, the President shall appoint one (1) extra temporary member who shall be discharged after such cases are disposed of.  The decision of the majority of the enlarged Board shall be final.  An apprentice member of the Local Union, having successfully completed his five-year apprentices program, and having been certified by the Joint Apprentice Committee, shall not be examined by the Local Examining Board and shall automatically be entered on the rolls of the Local Union as a Journeyman.